Our Services

Fair Value Study

We can reliably determine the fair value for any organization by evaluating the current worth of the business in terms of management, capital structure, market value of its assets and future cash flows complying with the Financial Regulatory Authority valuation regulations and legislations.

Feasibility Studies

We can conduct the required analysis, prepare feasibility studies for whether an establishment of a new company, expansion of current activity or entering new markets as well as evaluate feasibility studies determining the validity of assumptions, reasons for discrepancy and advise on recommendations.

Performance Evaluation

We assess the company’s performance strategically, financially, and operationally to determine the health and strength of the entity’s operational position versus the business volume and support the business towards its value proposition.

Business Planning and restructuring

We prepare business plans supporting the business restructuring, we offer the following restructuring services:

Investment Banking and deal structuring services

We advise on M&A deals and deals structuring in different sectors, help create synergies and provide insights on shareholders engagement and more.

Corporate Governance

We assess the following:

Due Diligence

We provide the following:

SMES Stock Market Sponsorship

We support companies to comply with the Egyptian Stock Exchange listing requirements, disclosure, and annual reports requirements.

Other Financial consultations

This can range from corporate to wealth management consultations.