Fair Value Studies


ECH provides detailed analysis over the company’s sector, market share, management strategy, assets and cashhflows.
Whether as a part of impairment tests, or capital increase or for transaction purposes.


When companies are sold, the fair value of an asset is always adjusted for impairment or when the asset has a lower market value than what is listed on its company’s balance sheet. Accurate and trustworthy financial modeling and efficient risk management models and systems are becoming increasingly important due to today’s dynamic, complicated financial structured products, and more regulation. ECH can help with your needs for quantitative valuation and risk modeling, including model design and impartial risk assessment compared to the most recently established criteria and regulations.
The valuation of entities is carried out through a set of scientifically agreed upon approved approaches by the Egyptian Financial Regulatory Authority issued on January 18, 2017 and its amendments, and the selection of any of them depends on the purpose of the valuation and on the status of the company under valuation.

To be able to reach results based on scientific foundations; the three financial methods
approved by the Financial Regulatory Authority will be included

  • Income Approach
  • Multiples Approach
  • Adjusted Net Assets Approach
  • Sum of the Parts