Due Diligence

Due Diligence comes before Good Luck

Supporting our clients in expanding their due diligence roadmap, conducting research, and reviewing deal economics, ensuring faster turnaround on buy-side and sell-side deal decisions; covering all aspects such as market, economy, financials, strategy, and indicative valuation.


  • Determination the size and scale of the transaction as well as the associated risks.
  • Identifying and quantifying industry and deal-specific risks and opportunities. 
  • Assessing asset quality by evaluating the quality and reasonableness of historical and projected earnings and cash flows. 
  • Recognizing hidden costs, obligations, and contingencies. 
  • Identifying and quantifying tax liabilities 
  • Identifying and quantifying liabilities that may be deal breakers
  • Highlighting issues that may have an impact on the purchase price or contract terms


ECH’s Due Diligence procedures are prepared through three directions:

  • Financial position (trial balance – financial statements and their analyzes – debit and credit balances).
  • Legal status (examination of the position of cases filed against and from the entity to other parties, in addition to tax and social insurance balances)
  • Operational status (systems, guidances, entity work procedures and organizational structures)



There is no doubt that due diligence is one of the forms of risk management through which the risks affecting the activity of the entity under examination are identified and studied.